Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Project Workshop/Timeline - 5 April 2016

Happy Workshop AP English III -

Over the next two weeks we will be finishing our work on Invisible Man which will entail your mural, a final timed writing, and the assessing of your blogs, motif charts, and annotations.  Here is our assessment timeline.

Thursday, 7 April - Finish reading Invisible Man.  Finalize blogs.  Receive prompt for final essay.

Monday 11 April - Final Essay - In Class.  Assess annotations for the book.

Wednesday 13 April - Final Group Workshop

Friday 15 April - Construct murals and present to the class.  Assess blogs, motif charts.

Here are the reminders for your mural - these are taken from the assignment sheet.

Directions:  Your group will create a “mural” relating to the motifs that you have studied throughout the course of reading the novel. Plan your mural and complete it accordingly by making plans and assigning tasks today.  You should come prepared with any materials you need to complete your task.  Your group may work as much as you want outside of class, but the mural must be completed in class.  Your group will then present it to the class. 

Be sure to consider the following in your plans:

A)    Your mural should be designed to clearly portray your motifs to an audience who we will assume a bit about your subject or the novel.  Be sure to include prominently the name of the novel and the author.  Your group’s topic should be clearly emphasized and defined.  The purpose of your mural should be immediately recognizable to the viewer.

B)    The clarity of you mural’s text is most important.  You will use a minimum of fifteen direct quotations from the novel with citation in addition to any explanatory commentary you add.  This text must be visually emphasized, not hidden among the illustrations. 

C)    Your illustrations may be hand drawn, or you may use cuttings from other sources such as magazines.  You may not use drawings or photographs that already depict scenes from Invisible Man.  Remember that your illustrations are important in helping the view grasp quickly the subject of your mural.  Avoid confusing your view with clutter.  Also remember, your illustrations should primarily enhance your textual references.  A balanced use of text and illustration is the goal.

D)    Your mural will be graded on the overall effect it has in quickly and effectively pulling your viewer into your subject.  Textual references are very important here.  Strive to use those that will be of the greatest interest and informational value to your viewer.

E)     You must use the paper provided in class.  Your project must conform to that format.  You may use a variety of materials if you want, but all that you do must fit in the area of the paper you’re given.  (Markers, glue, scissors, and some construction paper will be provided.)

Purpose:  The goal of your mural is to explain the purpose of your two motifs throughout Ellison’s text.  The mural should focus on communicating one clear purpose of the two motifs combined.  It is meant to be a culmination of your blog.

You should now as a group determine a question that your mural will answer as well as a thesis statement which reflects your group's argument that will be presented through the mural.  As you do this, you should consider the type of thesis/argument that you wrote with Ms. Ginocchio for your papers on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  You are analyzing and presenting your interpretation.  

This should question and your thesis should be posted on your blog today or no later than the the beginning of class on Thursday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Synthesis Posting Instructions

Here are the websites for our groups.  I post them here because eventually you'll need to check in and read other blogs.

2B Blogs:


3B Blogs:


For Thursday, make sure that you have your analysis post complete for Chapters Seven, Eight, and Nine.  This should be one post on its own.  Then you will complete the synthesis prompt for the Prologue through Chapter Nine.  Remember that the prompt for this synthesis post is:  What is the purpose of these motifs at this point in the novel?  Make sure that you have a clear thesis/main idea for your chapters and your motifs.  Remember to synthesize the opinions of your group and the information in the text. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

First Post - Instructions

Hello AP English III Students,

This is where you will be blogging about the motifs that you see within Invisible Man as well as the connections between these motifs and their relevance to the novel as a whole.  Remember that this will be a running project for you that you will complete as you read.

Your first task as a group is as follows:

  1. Complete your group project, assigning roles and responsibilities to everyone in the group so that you can be successful.  Turn that in to me for a grade.
  2. Setup your blog.  Give your blog a title that relates to the motifs that you will investigate.  Make sure that under settings you have added all of your groupmates and me as authors to the blog.  Make sure that your blog is public.
  3. Complete your first two posts.
    1. Your first post is your introduction post.  Snap a selfie and upload it into your post.  Introduce the members of your group (use a pseudonym, not your real name) and state what you'll be investigating in this blog and what you hope to achieve.
    2. Your second post is your first analysis post.  Account for your motif in the Prologue, Chapter One, and Chapter Two.  State a quotation, page number, and explanation of how the quote is indicative of the motif.  Then, as a group, synthesize your opinions and findings to answer this question:  As of now, what do you think the purpose of these motifs is in the novel?

Your next post will be due when the next reading assignment is due.  Make sure that you have completed this.  In an hour we will begin our discussion on Chapter Two - make sure that you have this work as complete as you can in that time period.